Instrument and Telescope†
- ANIR : Atacama Near-infrared Camera for the 1.0-m miniTAO Telescope
Konishi, M., Motohara, K., Tateuchi, K., Takahashi, H., Kitagawa, Y., Kato, N., Sako, S., Uchimoto, Y. K.., Toshikawa, K., Ohsawa, R., Yamamuro, T., Asano, K., Ita, Y., Kamizuka, T., Komugi, S., Koshida, S., Manabe, S., Matsunaga, N., Minezaki, T., Morokuma, T., Nakashima, A., Takagi, T., Tanabé, T., Uchiyama, M., Aoki, T., Doi, M., Handa, T., Kato, D., Kawara, K., Kohno, K., Miyata, T., Nakamura, T., Okada, K., Soyano, T., Tamura, Y., Tanaka, M., Tarusawa, K., Yoshii, Y
2015, PASJ, 67, 415 ( )
- ANIR: Atacama Near Infrared Camera for Paschen α Imaging
Motohara, K., Mitani, N., Sako, S., Uchimoto, Y. K., Toshikawa, K., Yamamuro, T., Handa, T., Tanaka, M., Aoki, T., Doi, M., Kawara, K., Kohno, K., Minezaki, T., Miyata, T., Soyano, T., Tanabe, T., Tarusawa, K., Yoshii, Y.
Proceedings of the SPIE, 7014, 70142T (2008)
- The University of Tokyo Atacama 1.0-m telescope
Sako, S., Aoki, T., Doi, M., Handa, T., Kawara, K., Kohno, K., Minezaki, T., Mitani, N., Miyata, T., Motohara, K., Soyano, T., Tanabe, T., Tanaka, M., Tarusawa, K., Yoshii, Y., Bronfman, L., Ruiz, M. T.
Proceedings of the SPIE, 7012, 70122T (2008)
- Developing infrared array controller with software real time operating system
Sako, S., Miyata, T., Nakamura, T., Motohara, K., Uchimoto, Y. K., Onaka, T., Kataza, H.
Proceedings of the SPIE, 7021, 702128 (2008)
- Site evaluations of the summit of Co. Chajnantor for infrared observations
Miyata, T., Motohara, K., Sako, S., Tanaka, M., Minezaki, T., Mitani, N., Aoki, T., Soyano, T., Tanabe, T., Kawara, K., Kohno, K., Tarusawa, K., Handa, T., Doi, M., Yoshii, Y., Ezawa, H., Bronfman, L., Ruiz, M. T.
Proceedings of the SPIE, 7012, 701243 (2008)
- Seeing environment at a 5640m altitude of Co. Chajnantor in northern Chile
Motohara, K., Aoki, T., Sako, S., Soyano, T., Doi, M., Tanaka, M., Tanabe, T., Handa, T., Mitani, N., Minezaki, T., Miyata, T., Kawara, K., Kohno, K., Tarusawa, K., Yoshii, Y., Bronfman, L., Ruiz, M. T., Uraguchi, F., Takato, N.
Proceedings of the SPIE, 7012, 701244 (2008)
- Simultaneous seeing measurements at Atacama
Uraguchi, F., Motohara, K., Doi, M., Takato, N., Miyashita, A., Tanabe, T., Oyabu, S., Soyano, T.
Proceedings of the SPIE, 5489, 218-226 (2004)
- University of Tokyo DIMM: a portable DIMM for site testing at Atacama
Motohara, K., Doi, M., Soyano, T., Tanaka, M., Kohno, K., Miyata, T., Takato, N., Uraguchi, F.
Proceedings of the SPIE, 5382, 648-655 (2004)
Last-modified: 2015-03-02 (Mon) 07:23:38