On July 3, 2018, MIMIZUKU, the mid-infrared instrument for the TAO 6.5-m telescope, successfully achieved the first light observation at the Subaru telescope of the NAOJ in Hawaii. We confirmed that the imaging function and its special optical device “field stacker” work well. After another engineering observation at the Subaru telescope, MIMIZUKU will be transported to TAO.
May 30, 2018, the near-infrared instrument, SWIMS, developed for the TAO 6.5 m telescope, has been installed on the Subaru Telescope of the NAOJ at Hawaii for performance verification, and successfully made its "first light" observations. SWIMS will be transported to TAO after evaluating and adjusting the observing performance based on data taken on the Subaru telescope.
A group of researchers led by Takeo Minezaki at Institute of Astronomy (IoA), the University of Tokyo (UT), and Leonardo Vanzi at the Astro Engineering Center (AIUC), the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (PUC), succeeded to achieve an angular resolution close to the diffraction limit by an adaptive optics system in visible wavelength mounted on the 1-m telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) of La Silla in Chile.