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TAO Workshop was held at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Prior to the completion ceremony of the University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory (TAO) Telescope site, a workshop was held at San Joaquin campus of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) on April 29. It was entitled "One-day Workshop on Astronomy in the TAO Era: Synergies with Facilities in Chile", where we discussed the new observational astronomy opened by TAO, synergy with astronomy in Chile, and prospects for new technological frontiers.

▲Group photo of the workshop participants

There were 69 participants registered. Prof. Felipe Barrientos, head of Department of Astronomy of PUC, gave opening remarks, followed by 17 presentations, including an overview talk of TAO project by Prof. Nobunari Kashikawa, head of Dept. of Astronomy of the University of Tokyo, and active discussions. Many unique studies and observations which accurately captured the characteristics of TAO, were proposed by participants from Chile, about solar system bodies, late-type stars, interstellar medium, and galaxies at cosmological distances. The strong expectations to TAO in Chile were palpable. Presentations by Prof. Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, head of Institute of Industrial Science, U. of Tokyo, and Dr. Kosuke Yoshioka, from Photon Science Center, U. of Tokyo, were very impressive, indicating the new aspect of combining MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) or Laser technology with astronomy. Regarding the instrument which is being developed by collaboration of PUC team (led by Prof. Leonardo Vanzi) , U. of Tokyo, and NAOJ, two students of PUC presented the results of their experiment and study at Institute of Astronomy, U. of Tokyo in January 2024. A graduate student of U. of Tokyo also made a presentation including her expectations to TAO. It was very meaningful workshop also for education of the new generation.
At the end of the workshop, Prof. Eduardo Vera (Universidad de Chile) gave an address mentioning Japan-Chile Academic Forum, which is being prepared for the autumn in 2025.

▲View of the workshop

After the workshop, we were given a tour of the development site of TARdYS (Tao Aiuc high Resolution (d) Y band Spectrograph) which is being developed by the team of Professor Leonardo Vanzi. We were able to closely observe optical experiment and performance evaluation test set-up. It was an opportunity to see the latest development technology elements and we felt that development of the second-generation instrument for TAO is also progressing well.

▲staff and students of U. of Tokyo hearing the explanation

Details of the workshop

Date & Time: April 29, 2024, 9:00-17:00

Venues: San Joaquin campus of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC)
    "Auditorium Ninoslav Bralic"

Participants: 69 researchers

Website:TAO Workshop

time presenter title
Session 1: TAO overview and technologies
9:00-9:10 Felipe Barrientos
Opening Remarks
9:10-9:25 Nobunari Kashikawa
(Department of Astronomy, U. Tokyo)
TAO Overview
9:25-9:40 Takafumi Kamizuka
(U. Tokyo)
Mid-infrared instrument for the TAO 6.5-m telescope: MIMIZUKU
9:40-9:55 Kentaro Motohara
Current status of SWIMS, a NIR MOS spectrograph/imager for TAO
9:55-10:20 Hiroshi Toshiyoshi
(Institute of Industrial Science, U. Tokyo)
MEMS Micro Shutter Array for Infrared Astronomical Observatory
10:20-10:50 Break
10:50-11:00 Leonardo Vanzi
High resolution spectrograph TARdYS: overview
11:00-11:15 Rafael Ormazabal
The scientific detector of TARdYS: current status
11:15-11:30 Matias Marambio Jimenez
The frontend of TARdYS - current status
11:30-11:55 Kosuke Yoshioka
(Photon Science Center, U. Tokyo)
Development of a compact astrocomb in the Y-band region based on a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser
11:55-12:10 Hidenori Takahashi
(U. Tokyo)
Near-Infrared Echelle Spectrograph "NICE"
12:10-13:40 Lunch break
Session 2: Science cases and synergies with TAO
13:40-14:05 Bin Yang
Advancing Solar System Science through TAO and Facilities in Chile
14:05-14:30 Keiichi Ohnaka
(Universidad Andres Bello)
Dissecting the mass loss from evolved stars with TAO
14:30-14:45 Riko Senoo
Attempts to investigate the properties of organic dust in space based on combined approach between IR observation and laboratory experiment
14:45-15:00 Pau Ramos
The future of precision astrometry gazes at infrared: the JASMINE satellite
15:00-15:30 Group Photo + Break
15:30-15:45 Monica Rubio
(U. Chile)
ISM in low metallicity galaxies
15:45-16:10 Viviana Guzman
The chemical structure of protoplanetary disks
16:10-16:35 Valentino Gonzalez
(U. Chile)
Strong Line Emitters at z~3
16:35-16:50 Cristobal Moya
The search and confirmation of Lya emitters in the epoch of reionization
16:50-17:00 Discussion
17:00 Eduardo Vera
(U. Chile)
Closing Remarks
Laboratory tours