Yoshiaki SOFUE

Galaxy, ISM, and Radio Astronomy

Yoshiaki SOFUE (Prof. Em., Inst. of Astronomy, The Univ. of Tokyo)

NEW papers ALL papers Japanese AstronOval Dawn of mm-waveInterferometer
o Research in Galaxies o ibid 2Mb o Lecture note: Galactic Radio Astronomy (pdf 25 Mb)(Springer Lecture Notes in Physics) o Hubble Types o Research and Topics o Thermal History of the Universe: First paper on the Cosmic Reionization o Sofue bubbles, GC Explosion, Galactic super bubbles o Sofue Lobe, Galactic Center, Activity o Rotation curves, Dark Matter, Galactic dynamics o Virgo Cluster of galaxies CO Survey o The Milky Way, ISM o Galactic Magnetism, MHD o mm-wave Cosmology CO Tully Fisher Relation Laboratory Experiment for Cosmic Hydrodynamics - LEC - Nobeyama 10-GHz Radio Survey o The First mm-wave Interferometer in the world SKA (Square Killometer Array) o Results o Paper list Original Papers (pdf) Conference Proceedings (pdf) Japanease articles (Astron. Herald, Talks,...) (pdf) Meeting Presentations (pdf) ibid (ppt) o Books o Read Sofue's papers o Write papers! The Ultimate Presentation o Educational o Seminar o Galaxy shop ALMA o Galaxy shop o Galaxy association o My office at IoA o Kunitachi Institute of Astronomy o Astronomy sites o CV Contact (E-mail): sofue @ ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp