Top/Optical Channel/Filters

*Broad Band Filters [#a1ac6636]

|''Name'' | ''lambda (um)'' | ''dlambda (um)''| ''System Efficiency (%)''| ''MagZero (AB sec/count)'' |
| B | 0.4391 | 0.100 | 15 | 22.2 |
| V | 0.5352 | 0.082 | 30 | 22.6 |
| R | 0.6439 | 0.119 | 29 | 22.8 |
| I | 0.8063 | 0.166 | 17 | 22.3 |

|CENTER:Filter response curve for the optical channel.
Black dashed line is the CCD QE curve, and dotted line is QE+dichroic mirror profile. Colored thin dashed lines are the filter profiles, and thick solid lines show the combinations of filter+CCD QE+dichroic mirror.|
|CENTER:Filter response curve for the optical channel.Black dashed line is the CCD QE curve, and dotted line is QE+dichroic mirror profile. Colored thin dashed lines are the filter profiles, and thick solid lines show the combinations of filter+CCD QE+dichroic mirror.|

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