] [
* 講演リスト [#g8648f7a]
** No. 413: March 26, 2024 (Tue) 13:30-14:30 [#t548e588]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo [#f59f301f]
*** Speaker: Navin Chaurasiya (Inter-University Centre fo...
*** Title: Galaxy-dark matter connection from the Subaru ...
Language: English
Abstract: We investigate the connection between the galax...
** No. 412: 2024年3月21日(木) 15:30-16:30 [#jd23a190]
*** 場所: 東京大学天文学教育研究センター講義室 [#j59a7f4a]
*** 講師: 植田稔也(デンバー大学) [#wb07ca26]
*** 題目: 目標天体の輝線分光データを自家減光補正しつつ輝...
Language: Japanese
要旨: 観測天文学において、減光は避けられない事象であり、...
** No. 411: 2024年2月22日(木) 14:30-15:30 ***開始時刻に注...
*** 場所: 東京大学天文学教育研究センター講義室 [#x5a23c30]
*** 講師: 竹内望 (千葉大学大学院理学研究院) ・瀬川高弘(...
*** 題目: 氷河や積雪,永久凍土に生息する雪氷生物の世界と...
Language: Japanese
要旨: 極地や高山に分布する積雪や氷河,永久凍土は,低温で...
Abstract: Glaciers, snowpacks, and permafrost in polar an...
** No. 410: 25 December 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#t6cb621b]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo [#u796a480]
*** Speaker: KODA Jin 幸田 仁 (Stony Brook University) [#...
*** Title: 近傍銀河の分子ガス進化 - 星形成や銀河進化を理...
Language: Japanese
Abstract: MWとM83を例として、近傍銀河の銀河構造と分子ガス...
** No. 409: 14 December 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#l5c750ab]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo [#yfc32b99]
*** Speaker: 坂野正明 ([[ワイズバベル (英文校閲・日英翻訳...
*** Title: AI時代の理系英語コミュニケーション: 論文執筆、...
Language: Japanese
Abstract: ちゃんとした英語文章を書くとき、自分の英語が本...
** No. 408: 16 Nov. 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#l5c750ab]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo [#yfc32b99]
*** Speaker: Haruka Kusakabe (NAOJ/JSPS) 日下部晴香 (国立...
*** Title: CGM observations in emission [#ye08ac80]
Language: English
Abstract: The evolution of galaxies is directly linked to...
** No. 407: 7 Nov. 2023 (Tue) 10:30-11:30 [#f0975221]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo [#y25a2e82]
*** Speaker: 浅山信一郎 (SKAO) [#sa309dde]
*** Title: 電波天文観測装置と情報通信技術 [#bce74a02]
Language: Japanese
ミリ波・サブミリ波(35– 950GHz)帯の巨大電波望遠鏡である...
高感度と高解像度で描き出してきた。また長波長(50MHz – 15GH...
大型電波望遠鏡としてSquare Kilometre Array (SKA) の建設が...
技術の関係について俯瞰する。また、近年のソフトウェア無線 ...
Defined Radio) の発展により実現可能となった、安価で手軽な...
** No. 406: 26 Oct. 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#ae68c062]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo [#gc7c5777]
*** Speaker: Yuki Hirao 平尾優樹 (天文学教育研究センター)...
*** Title: The latest findings and future prospects in ex...
Language: Japanese
Abstract: Gravitational microlensing has a unique strengt...
** No. 405: 3 Oct. 2023 (Tue) 16:00-17:00 [#e7156e27]
*** Place: room 1109, Department of Astronomy, School of ...
*** Speaker: Ewine van Dishoeck (Leiden Observatory, the ...
*** Title: Protostars and protoplanetary disks with JWST:...
Language: English
Abstract: This talk will present first results of the MIR...
** No. 404: 29 June 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#n9ab24a5]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA 1st floor, the University of...
*** Speaker: 谷口 琴美 (国立天文台科学研究部) / Kotomi T...
*** Title: Chemical complexity around massive young stell...
Language: Japanese
Abstract: Chemical composition around young stellar objec...
** No. 403: 8 June 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#n2f92204]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA 1st floor, the University of...
*** Speaker: 今井 正尭 (東京大学理学系研究科天文学教育研...
*** Title: Observations of planetary-scale waves on Venus...
Language: Japanese
Abstract: The mystery of the fast-rotating atmosphere on ...
** No. 402: 25 May 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#bdd80f44]
*** Speaker: Shinji Fujita (Institute of Astronomy, the U...
*** Title: Distance determination of molecular clouds in ...
Language: Japanese
Abstract: Machine learning has been successfully applied ...
** No. 401: 20 April 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#m02d0d06]
*** Speaker: Yao-Lun Yang (Research Scientist, RIKEN) [#v...
*** Title: Complex chemistry in the era of JWST and ALMA ...
Language: English
Abstract: The discovery of complex organic molecules (COM...
** No. 400: 6 th Apr. 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#n2f92204]
*** Speaker: Doug Johnstone (Principal Research Officer, ...
*** Title: What the Variability of Embedded Protostars Te...
Language: English
Abstract: The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) has be...
low-mass star-forming regions in the Gould Belt at submil...
wavelengths for over six years to search for and quantify...
dependent brightness variability of the resident deeply e...
protostars. Secular variability is common among these pro...
than 25% of the sample show measurable long-term brightne...
show burst behaviour lasting months to years. We interpre...
variability as reflecting changes in the mass accretion r...
to the protostar, as predicted by theoretical models of (...
assembly. For a subset of our sample we have contemporan...
light-curves which allow additional constraints on the co...
responsible for the brightness variations, confirming tha...
submillimetre variability is driven by changes in the dus...
profile of the envelope. Furthermore, we have combined, f...
single dish and interferometric sub-mm monitoring, which ...
unambiguously recover a time lag in the variability at la...
scales and use the results to confirm the envelope struct...
the embedded protostar. More recently, we have added some...
intermediate mass regions to our JCMT monitoring and coll...
Maser Monitoring Organization (M2O) in follow-up of more ...
candidate variables.
* 講演リスト [#g8648f7a]
** No. 413: March 26, 2024 (Tue) 13:30-14:30 [#t548e588]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo [#f59f301f]
*** Speaker: Navin Chaurasiya (Inter-University Centre fo...
*** Title: Galaxy-dark matter connection from the Subaru ...
Language: English
Abstract: We investigate the connection between the galax...
** No. 412: 2024年3月21日(木) 15:30-16:30 [#jd23a190]
*** 場所: 東京大学天文学教育研究センター講義室 [#j59a7f4a]
*** 講師: 植田稔也(デンバー大学) [#wb07ca26]
*** 題目: 目標天体の輝線分光データを自家減光補正しつつ輝...
Language: Japanese
要旨: 観測天文学において、減光は避けられない事象であり、...
** No. 411: 2024年2月22日(木) 14:30-15:30 ***開始時刻に注...
*** 場所: 東京大学天文学教育研究センター講義室 [#x5a23c30]
*** 講師: 竹内望 (千葉大学大学院理学研究院) ・瀬川高弘(...
*** 題目: 氷河や積雪,永久凍土に生息する雪氷生物の世界と...
Language: Japanese
要旨: 極地や高山に分布する積雪や氷河,永久凍土は,低温で...
Abstract: Glaciers, snowpacks, and permafrost in polar an...
** No. 410: 25 December 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#t6cb621b]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo [#u796a480]
*** Speaker: KODA Jin 幸田 仁 (Stony Brook University) [#...
*** Title: 近傍銀河の分子ガス進化 - 星形成や銀河進化を理...
Language: Japanese
Abstract: MWとM83を例として、近傍銀河の銀河構造と分子ガス...
** No. 409: 14 December 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#l5c750ab]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo [#yfc32b99]
*** Speaker: 坂野正明 ([[ワイズバベル (英文校閲・日英翻訳...
*** Title: AI時代の理系英語コミュニケーション: 論文執筆、...
Language: Japanese
Abstract: ちゃんとした英語文章を書くとき、自分の英語が本...
** No. 408: 16 Nov. 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#l5c750ab]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo [#yfc32b99]
*** Speaker: Haruka Kusakabe (NAOJ/JSPS) 日下部晴香 (国立...
*** Title: CGM observations in emission [#ye08ac80]
Language: English
Abstract: The evolution of galaxies is directly linked to...
** No. 407: 7 Nov. 2023 (Tue) 10:30-11:30 [#f0975221]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo [#y25a2e82]
*** Speaker: 浅山信一郎 (SKAO) [#sa309dde]
*** Title: 電波天文観測装置と情報通信技術 [#bce74a02]
Language: Japanese
ミリ波・サブミリ波(35– 950GHz)帯の巨大電波望遠鏡である...
高感度と高解像度で描き出してきた。また長波長(50MHz – 15GH...
大型電波望遠鏡としてSquare Kilometre Array (SKA) の建設が...
技術の関係について俯瞰する。また、近年のソフトウェア無線 ...
Defined Radio) の発展により実現可能となった、安価で手軽な...
** No. 406: 26 Oct. 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#ae68c062]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo [#gc7c5777]
*** Speaker: Yuki Hirao 平尾優樹 (天文学教育研究センター)...
*** Title: The latest findings and future prospects in ex...
Language: Japanese
Abstract: Gravitational microlensing has a unique strengt...
** No. 405: 3 Oct. 2023 (Tue) 16:00-17:00 [#e7156e27]
*** Place: room 1109, Department of Astronomy, School of ...
*** Speaker: Ewine van Dishoeck (Leiden Observatory, the ...
*** Title: Protostars and protoplanetary disks with JWST:...
Language: English
Abstract: This talk will present first results of the MIR...
** No. 404: 29 June 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#n9ab24a5]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA 1st floor, the University of...
*** Speaker: 谷口 琴美 (国立天文台科学研究部) / Kotomi T...
*** Title: Chemical complexity around massive young stell...
Language: Japanese
Abstract: Chemical composition around young stellar objec...
** No. 403: 8 June 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#n2f92204]
*** Place: Lecture room, IoA 1st floor, the University of...
*** Speaker: 今井 正尭 (東京大学理学系研究科天文学教育研...
*** Title: Observations of planetary-scale waves on Venus...
Language: Japanese
Abstract: The mystery of the fast-rotating atmosphere on ...
** No. 402: 25 May 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#bdd80f44]
*** Speaker: Shinji Fujita (Institute of Astronomy, the U...
*** Title: Distance determination of molecular clouds in ...
Language: Japanese
Abstract: Machine learning has been successfully applied ...
** No. 401: 20 April 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#m02d0d06]
*** Speaker: Yao-Lun Yang (Research Scientist, RIKEN) [#v...
*** Title: Complex chemistry in the era of JWST and ALMA ...
Language: English
Abstract: The discovery of complex organic molecules (COM...
** No. 400: 6 th Apr. 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#n2f92204]
*** Speaker: Doug Johnstone (Principal Research Officer, ...
*** Title: What the Variability of Embedded Protostars Te...
Language: English
Abstract: The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) has be...
low-mass star-forming regions in the Gould Belt at submil...
wavelengths for over six years to search for and quantify...
dependent brightness variability of the resident deeply e...
protostars. Secular variability is common among these pro...
than 25% of the sample show measurable long-term brightne...
show burst behaviour lasting months to years. We interpre...
variability as reflecting changes in the mass accretion r...
to the protostar, as predicted by theoretical models of (...
assembly. For a subset of our sample we have contemporan...
light-curves which allow additional constraints on the co...
responsible for the brightness variations, confirming tha...
submillimetre variability is driven by changes in the dus...
profile of the envelope. Furthermore, we have combined, f...
single dish and interferometric sub-mm monitoring, which ...
unambiguously recover a time lag in the variability at la...
scales and use the results to confirm the envelope struct...
the embedded protostar. More recently, we have added some...
intermediate mass regions to our JCMT monitoring and coll...
Maser Monitoring Organization (M2O) in follow-up of more ...
candidate variables.