Top/東京大学天文学専攻・国立天文台先端技術センター 本原研究室/DSHOOTER

*D-Shooter [#x3706502]
-D-Shooter is an Optical-to-NIR spectrograph optimized for the LTAO system at the Subaru telescope, realized by the Adaptive Secondary Mirror
-It consist of at least two spectrograph units, one is in the optical and the other in the NIR(0.9-2.5micron).
*Instrument Specifications [#p1b96cf8]
Coming Soon
*Target Science [#lc2f443a]
Coming Soon
*Team Members [#za9ec689]
-Principal Investigator : Michitoshi Yoshida (Subaru)
-Project Manager : Kentaro Motohara (NAOJ)
-Project Scientist : Takashi Moriya (NAOJ)
-Instrument Team
--Shinobu Ozaki (NAOJ)
--Yoshito Ono (Subaru)
--Yosuke Minowa (Subaru)
--Yutaka Hayano (NAOJ)
-Science Team
--Yusei Koyama (Subaru)
--Masaomi Tanaka (Tohoku U.)
--Masami Ouchi (NAOJ/U. Tokyo)
--Masayuki Akiyama (Tohoku U.)
--Masayuki Tanaka (NAOJ)
--Nozomu Tominaga (NAOJ)
--Tohru Nagao (Ehime U.)
--Yoshiki Matsuoka (Ehime U.)

*[[Internal Page>./internal]] [#a0d36b8b]
*[[Internal Page>./DshooterInternal]] [#a0d36b8b]

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