Atacama NIR Camera Wiki
* Time Allocation [#u8ba0d6e]
-- There's a chance of ToO observation of GRB/SN, except ...
-- PI information
|Proposal-ID|#|BGCOLOR(#FFFAFA):title|PI|subject or object|
|S12B-000|AN0|ANIR Engineering|||
|S12B-005|UT1|BGCOLOR(#6495ED):Takahashi|Takahashi|WR sur...
|S12B-006|UT2|BGCOLOR(#00BFFF):Tanabe|Tanabe|Late the star|
|S12B-008|UT4|BGCOLOR(#00FFFF):Uchiyama|Uchiyama|Massive ...
* Observed Time (actually allocated) [#bce73f25]
//- The following table should be used only as a guide fo...
//-- Only major reassignments are denoted in red.
//- Operation Night Logs (only in Japanese), FITS header ...
//-- The logs contain details of the observations such as...
//-- Individual FITS data (fits) are also prepared, but o...
//- Observers will receive an announcement of data locati...
* Time Allocation [#u8ba0d6e]
-- There's a chance of ToO observation of GRB/SN, except ...
-- PI information
|Proposal-ID|#|BGCOLOR(#FFFAFA):title|PI|subject or object|
|S12B-000|AN0|ANIR Engineering|||
|S12B-005|UT1|BGCOLOR(#6495ED):Takahashi|Takahashi|WR sur...
|S12B-006|UT2|BGCOLOR(#00BFFF):Tanabe|Tanabe|Late the star|
|S12B-008|UT4|BGCOLOR(#00FFFF):Uchiyama|Uchiyama|Massive ...
* Observed Time (actually allocated) [#bce73f25]
//- The following table should be used only as a guide fo...
//-- Only major reassignments are denoted in red.
//- Operation Night Logs (only in Japanese), FITS header ...
//-- The logs contain details of the observations such as...
//-- Individual FITS data (fits) are also prepared, but o...
//- Observers will receive an announcement of data locati...