Top/Optical Channel/Specifications

*Specifications of the Optical Channel [#tad0489a]

| ''Name'' |''Value''  |
| Detector | E2V |
| Pixel Format | 1024 x 1024 |
| FoV  | 5.1 arcmin x 5.1 arcmin|
| Pixel Scale | 0.343 arcsec / pix |
| Pixel Format | 1056 x 1027 |
| FoV  | 5.0 arcmin x 5.0 arcmin|
| Pixel Scale | 0.30 arcsec / pix |
| Readout Noise | N/A |
| Broadband Filters | B, V, R, I |
| Final F | 7.9 |

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