Top/NIR Channel/Limiting Magnitudes

All magnitudes are in ABmag,and 
limiting magnitudes with 5sigma, 600sec exposure, and 1.5arcsec phi aperture

|''Band'' | ''Limiting Mag'' | ''Limiting Flux (uJy)'' | ''Background'' (Mag/arcsec^2)* |
|Y  | 20.3 |27.5|15.9 |
|J  | 20.6|20.9|15.7 |
|H (High Background) | 20.4|25.1|14.5 |
|H (Low Background) | 20.9|15.8|15.5 |
|Ks (High Background) | 20.5|22.9|15.0|
|Ks (Low Background) |20.8 |17.4|15.5|
|Pa-beta | 18.9|100| 14.8 |
|Pa-alpha | 17.7|302| 14.3 |
|Pa-alpha-off | 19.5|57.5|16.1|

- *:Preliminary value, especially for narrow-band filters, which may affected by offset due to the reset anomaly and residual dark.
 * : Preliminary value, especially for narrow-band filters, which may affected by offset due to the reset anomaly and residual dark.

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