Scientific Topics

Our Galaxy
Mass distribution (spiral arms, stellar bar and halo),
Global and local ISM,
Supermassive blackholes and the environment at the center

Central part of nearby galaxies
ISM around starbursts and AGNs,
AGN Fueling mechanism
AGN, Starburst, Black Hole, Jet

Nearby Galaxies
Molecular gas distribution and star formation
Gas dynamics,
Origin of starbursts

Galaxy environment and evolution
Formation of our Galaxy,
Environmental effects on galaxy morphology,
Origin of supermassive black holes

The Dark Matter component
The Nature of the dark matter component
Its effects on the internal structures of galaxies

Invited Speakers

Lia ATHANASSOULAObservatoire de Marseille Provence, France
Chantal BALKOWSKIParis Observatory, France
Jonathan BRAINEObs. de Bordeaux, France
Masashi CHIBATohoku University, Japan
Kazuhito DOBASHITokyo Gakugei University, Japan
Jeffrey KENNEYYale University, USA
Johan KNAPENUniversity of Hertfordshire, UK
Paul MARTINIHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA
Ryoji MATSUMOTOChiba University, Japan
Mark R. MORRISUniversity of California, Los Angeles, USA
Toshikazu ONISHINagoya University, Japan
Bradley PETERSONThe Ohio State University, USA
Daniel PFENNIGERObservatoire de Genève, Swiss
Wolfgang REICHMax-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Germany
Mark J. REIDHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA
Eva SCHINNERERMax-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Germany
Yoshiaki SOFUEThe University of Tokyo, Japan
Hajime SUSARikkyo University, Japan
Linda TACCONIMax-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Germany
Masayuki UMEMURATsukuba University, Japan
Bernd VOLLMERObservatoire astronomique de Strasbourg, France
Richard WIELEBINSKIMax-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Germany
Judith S. YOUNGUniversity of Massachusetts, USA