Imaging_Data_Reduction をテンプレートにして作成
* Data Reduction Pipeline for Imaging Data [#see9989c]
// MEMO: how to create tar balls
//tar acvf swsred_20210131.tgz swsred/*py swsred/config s...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_bpm_s18a_20210131.tgz swsred/cali...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_bpm_s18b_20210131.tgz swsred/cali...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_bpm_s20b_20210131.tgz swsred/cali...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_bpm_s21a1_20210526.tgz swsred/cal...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_bpm_s21a2_20210526.tgz swsred/cal...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_bbf_s18a_20210131.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_bbf_s18b_20210131.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_mbf_s18b_20210131.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_nbf_blue_s18b_20210131.tgz s...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_nbf_red_s18b_20210131.tgz sw...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_bbf_s20b_20210131.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_mbf_s18b_20210131.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_mbf_s21a_20210418.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_bbf_s21a_20210418.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_bbf_s21a2_20210526.tgz swsre...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_mbf_s21a2_20210526.tgz swsre...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_mosaic_s18a_20210131.tgz swsred/c...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_mosaic_s18b_20210131.tgz swsred/c...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_mosaic_s21a_20210413.tgz swsred/c...
** Overview [#a5dae0a3]
SWIMS Imaging Data Reduction Pipeline, written in Python,...
|Reduction Flow Chart|f
** Download [#sd9b549b]
*** Core scripts [#rd3480d9]
|&ref(./material/swsred_20220406.tgz);|Python core script...
*** BPM (Bad-Pixel Mask) [#yd7cac3c]
//&COLOR(red){May 26, 2021: BPM file on B1 detector for S...
&COLOR(red){Apr 6, 2022: BPM for S21B/S22A available.};
Put files that you need on '''swsred/calib/bpm/''' direct...
Note that BPMs for S22A are just symbolic links to S21B. ...
|Arm|S22A(=S21B)|S21B|S21A (May)|S21A (April)|S18B|h
*** Imaging Flat [#gd147f42]
//BBF: Broad-band filters, MBF: Medium-band filters, NBF:...
//|>|~ |
//|>|~ |
//|>|~ |
&COLOR(red){Apr 6, 2022: Flat for S21B/S22A available.};
Put files that you need on '''swsred/calib/flat/''' direc...
Note that Flat data for S22A are just symbolic links to S...
//Note that Flat data for S22A are just symbolic links to...
|Filter|S22A(=S21B)|S21B|S21A (May)|S21A (April)|S18B|h
*** Mosaic [#bf8b988a]
Usually, mosaicking is performed (using swarp) based on W...
These files are needed only when your data do not have en...
*** Sample data [#n7a8d765]
Use these test data (taken in S18B) to check if your swsr...
- Object: FS12
- Dithering: 4-point
- Filter: J1-band and H1-band
|&ref(./material/swsred_sample_b.tgz);|J1-band data (4 fr...
|&ref(./material/swsred_sample_r.tgz);|H1-band data (4 fr...
Here is a code to reduce the data. --> [[sample recipe>./...
The reduced images produced with two iterations (n_iter=2...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_b1_stack1.fits);|Stacked image (...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_b2_stack1.fits);|Stacked image (...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_b1_stack1_exp.fits);|The exposur...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_b2_stack1_exp.fits);|The exposur...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_b1_stack1_wht.fits);|The weight ...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_b2_stack1_wht.fits);|The weight ...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1.fits);|Mosaicked image (after tw...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_exp.fits);|The exposure map for ...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_wht.fits);|The weight map for fs...
|&ref(./material/swsred_j1.log);|Execution logs on reduci...
|>|~ |
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_r1_stack1.fits);|Stacked image (...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_r2_stack1.fits);|Stacked image (...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_r1_stack1_exp.fits);|The exposur...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_r2_stack1_exp.fits);|The exposur...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_r1_stack1_wht.fits);|The weight ...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_r2_stack1_wht.fits);|The weight ...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1.fits);|Mosaicked image (after tw...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_exp.fits);|The exposure map for ...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_wht.fits);|The weight map for fs...
|&ref(./material/swsred_h1.log);|Execution logs on reduci...
** Installation [#jacb75c3]
*** prerequisites [#zd7d8aa4]
SWSRED requires the following python packages and astrOma...
|Package|>|Tested version|h
The astrOmatic softwares can be installed as follows if y...
% conda config --append channels conda-forge
% conda install sextractor
% conda install -c conda-forge astromatic-scamp
% conda install -c conda-forge astromatic-swarp
Also, Internet connection is required during reducing dat...
*** Install SWSRED [#a812d101]
+ Download SWSRED files you need.
+ Extract all the tar balls on a directory you want.
% tar xvf swsred_20210527.tgz
% tar xvf swsred_calib_mosaic_s21a_20210413.tgz
% mkdir -p swsred/calib/bpm swsred/calib/flat
//% tar xvf swsred_calib_bpm_s21a_20210418.tgz
//% tar xvf swsred_calib_flat_bbf_s21a_20210418.tgz
//% tar xvf swsred_calib_flat_mbf_s21a_20210418.tgz
** Usage [#y1bfe04f]
SWSRED has no documentations yet, but you can use a dirty...
Be sure to use SWSRED within python interpreter (e.g., in...
//so that you can easily resume the reduction if you get ...
Here is a quick introduction to use SWSRED.
+ First of all, prepare a list of input FITS files includ...
> import glob
> in_arr1 = glob.glob("DATA/PATH/SWSB*1.fits") # blue ch...
> in_arr1.sort() # must be sorted before using.
-- Note that as shown in the flow chart above, data of ch...
-- Data taken within the same dithering set are grouped b...
import glob
import astropy.io.fits
dct1 = {}
dct2 = {}
infiles = glob.glob("SWS*fits")
for infile in infiles:
hdr = astropy.io.fits.getheader(infile)
ch = hdr["2_DETCH"]
if ch == 1:
dct = dct1
dct = dct2
if hdr["2_DSETID"] not in dct.keys():
dct[hdr["2_DSETID"]] = []
+ Make filenames of intermediate files.
> import swsred.make_file_lst
> file_lst1 = swsred.make_file_lst.make_file_lst(in_arr1)
-- 'file_lst1' is a dictionary which defines various file...
--- For example, you get the following result with an inp...
|in|data/path/SWSB00000001.fits|input filename|
|ff|ffSWSB00000001.fits|filename of flat-fielded data|
|ms|msSWSB00000001.fits|filename of self-sky data|
|ss|ssSWSB00000001.fits|filename of sky-subtracted data|
|wc|wcSWSB00000001.fits|filename of WCS-corrected data|
|wht|SWSB00000001_wht.fits|filename of weight map (create...
|omsk|SWSB00000001_omsk.fits|filename of object mask|
|ldac|ssSWSB00000001.ldac|filename of SExtractor LDAC cat...
|ascii|ssSWSB00000001.ascii|filename of SExtractor ASCII ...
|head|ssSWSB00000001.head|filename of Scamp HEAD file|
+ Then, start your data reduction. For example, to perfor...
> import swsred.flat_field
> swsred.flat_field.flat_field(file_lst1["in"], file_lst1...
-- By default, the values 'file_lst1["ff"]' do not have a...
Refer to ''swsred/reduce_all.py'' for all the procedures.
** Questions & Answers [#w4242ed4]
+ Astrometry (performed by scamp) is failed or is not goo...
-- Try changing the following parameters,
--- detect_thresh_wcs: detection threshold to make a sour...
--- mag_max_wcs: maximum magnitude of Pan-STARRS sources ...
-- You may want to set "use_scamp=False" not to use Scamp...
+ How is the semester determined?
-- FRAMEID is used to determine when the data has been ta...
-- If swsred would assign the wrong semester, check if yo...
** Known bugs [#s7de1046]
** Changes [#tca427ef]
//- Added
//- Changed
//- Deprecated
//- Removed
//- Fixed
*** Version 2021.01.31 [#fae5340b]
- First release
** Contact [#kf7082dc]
Please send your bug reports or questions to konishi__at_...
* Data Reduction Pipeline for Imaging Data [#see9989c]
// MEMO: how to create tar balls
//tar acvf swsred_20210131.tgz swsred/*py swsred/config s...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_bpm_s18a_20210131.tgz swsred/cali...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_bpm_s18b_20210131.tgz swsred/cali...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_bpm_s20b_20210131.tgz swsred/cali...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_bpm_s21a1_20210526.tgz swsred/cal...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_bpm_s21a2_20210526.tgz swsred/cal...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_bbf_s18a_20210131.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_bbf_s18b_20210131.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_mbf_s18b_20210131.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_nbf_blue_s18b_20210131.tgz s...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_nbf_red_s18b_20210131.tgz sw...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_bbf_s20b_20210131.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_mbf_s18b_20210131.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_mbf_s21a_20210418.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_bbf_s21a_20210418.tgz swsred...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_bbf_s21a2_20210526.tgz swsre...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_flat_mbf_s21a2_20210526.tgz swsre...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_mosaic_s18a_20210131.tgz swsred/c...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_mosaic_s18b_20210131.tgz swsred/c...
//tar acvf swsred_calib_mosaic_s21a_20210413.tgz swsred/c...
** Overview [#a5dae0a3]
SWIMS Imaging Data Reduction Pipeline, written in Python,...
|Reduction Flow Chart|f
** Download [#sd9b549b]
*** Core scripts [#rd3480d9]
|&ref(./material/swsred_20220406.tgz);|Python core script...
*** BPM (Bad-Pixel Mask) [#yd7cac3c]
//&COLOR(red){May 26, 2021: BPM file on B1 detector for S...
&COLOR(red){Apr 6, 2022: BPM for S21B/S22A available.};
Put files that you need on '''swsred/calib/bpm/''' direct...
Note that BPMs for S22A are just symbolic links to S21B. ...
|Arm|S22A(=S21B)|S21B|S21A (May)|S21A (April)|S18B|h
*** Imaging Flat [#gd147f42]
//BBF: Broad-band filters, MBF: Medium-band filters, NBF:...
//|>|~ |
//|>|~ |
//|>|~ |
&COLOR(red){Apr 6, 2022: Flat for S21B/S22A available.};
Put files that you need on '''swsred/calib/flat/''' direc...
Note that Flat data for S22A are just symbolic links to S...
//Note that Flat data for S22A are just symbolic links to...
|Filter|S22A(=S21B)|S21B|S21A (May)|S21A (April)|S18B|h
*** Mosaic [#bf8b988a]
Usually, mosaicking is performed (using swarp) based on W...
These files are needed only when your data do not have en...
*** Sample data [#n7a8d765]
Use these test data (taken in S18B) to check if your swsr...
- Object: FS12
- Dithering: 4-point
- Filter: J1-band and H1-band
|&ref(./material/swsred_sample_b.tgz);|J1-band data (4 fr...
|&ref(./material/swsred_sample_r.tgz);|H1-band data (4 fr...
Here is a code to reduce the data. --> [[sample recipe>./...
The reduced images produced with two iterations (n_iter=2...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_b1_stack1.fits);|Stacked image (...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_b2_stack1.fits);|Stacked image (...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_b1_stack1_exp.fits);|The exposur...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_b2_stack1_exp.fits);|The exposur...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_b1_stack1_wht.fits);|The weight ...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_b2_stack1_wht.fits);|The weight ...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1.fits);|Mosaicked image (after tw...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_exp.fits);|The exposure map for ...
|&ref(./material/fs12_j1_wht.fits);|The weight map for fs...
|&ref(./material/swsred_j1.log);|Execution logs on reduci...
|>|~ |
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_r1_stack1.fits);|Stacked image (...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_r2_stack1.fits);|Stacked image (...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_r1_stack1_exp.fits);|The exposur...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_r2_stack1_exp.fits);|The exposur...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_r1_stack1_wht.fits);|The weight ...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_r2_stack1_wht.fits);|The weight ...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1.fits);|Mosaicked image (after tw...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_exp.fits);|The exposure map for ...
|&ref(./material/fs12_h1_wht.fits);|The weight map for fs...
|&ref(./material/swsred_h1.log);|Execution logs on reduci...
** Installation [#jacb75c3]
*** prerequisites [#zd7d8aa4]
SWSRED requires the following python packages and astrOma...
|Package|>|Tested version|h
The astrOmatic softwares can be installed as follows if y...
% conda config --append channels conda-forge
% conda install sextractor
% conda install -c conda-forge astromatic-scamp
% conda install -c conda-forge astromatic-swarp
Also, Internet connection is required during reducing dat...
*** Install SWSRED [#a812d101]
+ Download SWSRED files you need.
+ Extract all the tar balls on a directory you want.
% tar xvf swsred_20210527.tgz
% tar xvf swsred_calib_mosaic_s21a_20210413.tgz
% mkdir -p swsred/calib/bpm swsred/calib/flat
//% tar xvf swsred_calib_bpm_s21a_20210418.tgz
//% tar xvf swsred_calib_flat_bbf_s21a_20210418.tgz
//% tar xvf swsred_calib_flat_mbf_s21a_20210418.tgz
** Usage [#y1bfe04f]
SWSRED has no documentations yet, but you can use a dirty...
Be sure to use SWSRED within python interpreter (e.g., in...
//so that you can easily resume the reduction if you get ...
Here is a quick introduction to use SWSRED.
+ First of all, prepare a list of input FITS files includ...
> import glob
> in_arr1 = glob.glob("DATA/PATH/SWSB*1.fits") # blue ch...
> in_arr1.sort() # must be sorted before using.
-- Note that as shown in the flow chart above, data of ch...
-- Data taken within the same dithering set are grouped b...
import glob
import astropy.io.fits
dct1 = {}
dct2 = {}
infiles = glob.glob("SWS*fits")
for infile in infiles:
hdr = astropy.io.fits.getheader(infile)
ch = hdr["2_DETCH"]
if ch == 1:
dct = dct1
dct = dct2
if hdr["2_DSETID"] not in dct.keys():
dct[hdr["2_DSETID"]] = []
+ Make filenames of intermediate files.
> import swsred.make_file_lst
> file_lst1 = swsred.make_file_lst.make_file_lst(in_arr1)
-- 'file_lst1' is a dictionary which defines various file...
--- For example, you get the following result with an inp...
|in|data/path/SWSB00000001.fits|input filename|
|ff|ffSWSB00000001.fits|filename of flat-fielded data|
|ms|msSWSB00000001.fits|filename of self-sky data|
|ss|ssSWSB00000001.fits|filename of sky-subtracted data|
|wc|wcSWSB00000001.fits|filename of WCS-corrected data|
|wht|SWSB00000001_wht.fits|filename of weight map (create...
|omsk|SWSB00000001_omsk.fits|filename of object mask|
|ldac|ssSWSB00000001.ldac|filename of SExtractor LDAC cat...
|ascii|ssSWSB00000001.ascii|filename of SExtractor ASCII ...
|head|ssSWSB00000001.head|filename of Scamp HEAD file|
+ Then, start your data reduction. For example, to perfor...
> import swsred.flat_field
> swsred.flat_field.flat_field(file_lst1["in"], file_lst1...
-- By default, the values 'file_lst1["ff"]' do not have a...
Refer to ''swsred/reduce_all.py'' for all the procedures.
** Questions & Answers [#w4242ed4]
+ Astrometry (performed by scamp) is failed or is not goo...
-- Try changing the following parameters,
--- detect_thresh_wcs: detection threshold to make a sour...
--- mag_max_wcs: maximum magnitude of Pan-STARRS sources ...
-- You may want to set "use_scamp=False" not to use Scamp...
+ How is the semester determined?
-- FRAMEID is used to determine when the data has been ta...
-- If swsred would assign the wrong semester, check if yo...
** Known bugs [#s7de1046]
** Changes [#tca427ef]
//- Added
//- Changed
//- Deprecated
//- Removed
//- Fixed
*** Version 2021.01.31 [#fae5340b]
- First release
** Contact [#kf7082dc]
Please send your bug reports or questions to konishi__at_...